Hi There!
How are you? How are you planning to spend your Mother’s Day? How are you celebrating your mom? Even though my mom and I live just a few miles from one another, she is in full quarantine mode and I wont be seeing her in person and I’m not happy about that! I came up with a list of 13 Sweet Mother’s Day Celebration Ideas If You Can’t Be Together so that if you’re in the same situation, you can still find something fun to do to celebrate your mom.
I love this photo of my mom and I. I think it is so representative of our relationship. Maybe many relationships between mothers and Daughters. It was taken on my wedding day and I’m in the foreground of this picture while my mom, looking beautiful ,is in the background. She’s just letting me shine. That’s how it is with moms. They want you be the star of the show and they’re right there behind you, slightly out of focus, but cheering you on from the bleachers. That’s how my mom is. She has a fantastic life of her own, is very active and has lots of friends. But she’s always right there for me, listening to my dramas, and my triumphs, offering advice (that I should probably listen to more than I do) and truly happy for me or concerned for me whatever the situation. I really wish I could be with my mom but either way, we will do something to celebrate.
I truly love all of these ideas and think I’ll use it as a quarantine bucket-list for my mom and I to do before this is over. I hope you like them!
Mother’s Day Celebration Ideas
1 Virtual Brunch & Mimosas – Put on a cute robe, like this palm print robe, pour the mimosas, call your mom and have a virtual brunch on the patio.
2 Virtual Bingo –This sounds like a fun idea to me! I love bingo! Developed in response to Covid-19, virtual bingo is free for up to 30 players, Follow the instructions HERE to invite friends and family to a virtual Mother’s Day bingo game!
3 Record Her History – Developed in March 2020 in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, StoryCorps Connect is a first-of-its kind platform that enables you to record a StoryCorps interview with a loved one remotely using video conference technology. The audio and a still photo from each interview goes into their archive at the American Folklife Center at the Library of Congress. Your interview becomes part of American history, and hundreds of years from now, future generations will listen in. They provide a list of great questions that will surely spark lots of conversations. I absolutely love this idea!
4 Pick up and deliver a take out meal from her favorite restaurant or have it delivered to her house. No Brainer.
5 Cook a favorite family recipe together via Zoom or Facetime- I love this idea! There are a few things that my mom makes that only she knows the tricks for. This is a great opportunity to go step by step and learn all of her secrets!
6 Create a Photo Album together – Shutterfly is a perfect way to create a mother-daughter photo album. Set up an account in Shutterfly, share the details with your mom, set up a project and start uploading photos. I think it would be fun to see the photos my mom would upload and I’m sure it would spark a sweet walk down “memory lane”.
7 Have a socially distanced driveway get together – If you live in the same town, set up some chairs in her driveway (appropriately far apart) bring some masks, and have a driveway celebration!
8 Take her a homemade flower arrangement or herbs from your garden – You can leave them on the front porch as a surprise or take them to your driveway celebration! Learn how to arrange flowers virtually on Skillshare. Maybe even take the class together!
9 Have a virtual wine tasting – Does your mom appreciate a good bottle of Pinot Noir? Order a few bottles of wine for each of you and have a wine tasting together! You can download this cute wine tasting scorecard to use!
10 Paint by numbers – You can order really cute paint-by-numbers kits and paint each other a picture via Facetime! Here is a fun Bob Ross kit, Country Living has this cute one, and if you love the beach, this one is cute.
11 Garden together – If you and your mom like gardening, go on a virtual tour of each other’s gardens. She can give you tips on how much to water that basil plant or the ideal location for your tomato plants.
12 Watch a favorite show together – Maybe your mom loves Real Housewives or the Bachelor. It would be really fun to watch the latest show via Facetime and enjoy all the drama together! Definitely good for a few laughs!
13 Begin a Mother-Daughter Book Club – Agree on a book, Buy 2 or download, then have a book club discussion. Do it via Facetime or Zoom, make it a cocktail hour just for fun! I just started Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens so this would be a good time to ask my mom to read along too! I’d love to chat with her about it!
Check out my recent posts 13 Backyard Games Perfect for Staying Home and 10 Fun Hammocks for Social distancing-Backyard Style for more Mother’s Day ideas.
I hope you have a wonderful Mother’s Day! Enjoy! Let me know if you try any of these ideas! I’d love to hear how you celebrated your Mom!
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