Hi Friends!
What are you up to this weekend? We have a full day of lacrosse but we’re hoping to squeeze in some boating too! This photo describes exactly how I want my weekend to be!
I’ve decided to start a new series called “Weekend Wishlist” which will include interesting things from around the web, things I have my eye on, recipes I’d like to try, cocktails that look delish and some general inspiration! I hope you like it!
Key Lime Martini Via Food Network
-This Key Lime Martini is on my wishlist for this weekend for sure! I love to try new cocktail recipes and this one looks so yummy!
-I’m wearing these Tory Burch Sandals daily.
-Have you seen the movie “Yes Day”? It stars Jennifer Garner as the mom of 3 kids who finds herself saying no quite a lot ( and in the most creative ways! “Nope on a rope”! When a friend shames them into a yes day, chaos ensues. It ‘s a cute movie and it also got me thinking about what I could say yes to with my kids. So, this past week, I said yes to paddle boarding with them.
At first I didn’t want to but I got on that board (reluctantly, I admit)and my son and I paddled all over the canals in our neighborhood. I am SO glad I said yes! We had time together that was completely unplugged! No phone or computers! It was magical. As we were paddling back to our dock, I said, ” I really was hoping to see some dolphins” and 30 seconds later, as if on cue, 2 dolphins appeared and swam beside us the remainder of the way home. It was fantastic! But what was even better was hearing my 13 year old son tell me “thank you for going with me today mom, I had so much fun with you”. Then, a few days later, my daughter and I got to go. It was also so much fun! I fell off, she laughed, I laughed! I’m thinking of more things I can say yes to! Send me your Ideas! What do you say yes to with your kids?
-My son’s room is almost done. We worked together on it, using some things we already had and a few new things as well. Here’s a progress pic! Sorry about the quality!
– Always inspired by Three Birds Renovations! Our pool deck is next on our list of house projects and this is my inspiration photo!
-Are you traveling yet? I feel so blessed to live in a place where so many people come for their vacation! I never take the beauty and lifestyle for granted. I am so grateful for it! I’m in the middle of writing a “Guide to Sanibel Island” blog post with a packing list and helpful links and lists for you! It should be live next week!
I hope you have a wonderful weekend my friend. Tell me what you’re doing in the comments! As always, thank you so much for reading my post!