Hi there friend,
I can’t believe the New Year is upon us. Whether we just went through a crazy buying/selling process and had to move, or you’ve been living in your humble abode for years – it’s always a good time to set up yourself for success in your home, especially with the pantry area. It can feel daunting, so don’t get discouraged! Today I’m here to motivate you to get started, and give you some easy tips on how to tackle your pantry and get it done as quickly and efficiently as possible.
I know that your pantry organization project may have been on your to-do list for quite some time. And if you’re like me, you may have stocked up on brands and products a little bit more than usual during the scary COVID months. So now that we’re well into flu season, and COVID isn’t the number one thought on our mind, getting rid of the things we no longer need, and getting organized may be a great way to jump start your 2023. Here’s my five tips on how to get organized and feel better about your pantry.
5 tips for an organized pantry:
Here’s my five tips…
1 Remove every single item.
2 Clean every surface top to bottom
3 Get rid of items that are out of date or you don’t use anymore. Some things will go into the trash and others can be donated or relocated.
4 Put it all back and categorize everything putting like items together. Organize it so that the most-used items will be reachable and less-used items will be on high shelves.
5 Use clear storage canisters for storing food. They keep food fresh and keep your pantry looking neat and organized. I used these from Target, here:
There was also a little honey-do project that I asked Slade to do and since he had some time on his hands, he agreed. We had some left over marble tile from our kitchen backsplash and I wanted to add a little backsplash to the coffee bar area of the pantry. He still has a bit to finish but I love it so far.
When we remodeled our kitchen, we designed a “hidden” pantry to look as if it were just part of the cabinets. A last minute change to our kitchen design left us with extra cabinets that we repurposed in the pantry.
I love how it turned out. I don’t like the look of a microwave in the kitchen so I wanted it in the pantry. We created a little coffee bar in there too. It has been a very functional addition to our kitchen.
We still have a little ways to go on this room. The countertop is just a painted wooden top and I’d like to put some quartz in there at some point but it’s not a top priority at the moment.
Do you have a super productive day one day, just to follow it with a crash and burn feeling the next? One day you’re Marie Kondo reincarnate, and the next a tired slug at best? You’re not alone, I’ve felt like this and so many of my friends feel the same. Give yourself a little grace. We’re all still bouncing back from the whiplash of 2020, and it’s okay to just do your best each day.
Be kind to yourself and stay positive!
I hope my 5 tips for an organized pantry were helpful to you. Let me know what your’e organizing in the comments below!
Have a great weekend! Thanks for reading!
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